Do Something To Help – Share A Concern!

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately! From a University phone, obtain an outside line and dial 9-1-1.

Rutgers is a community that cares. We DO SOMETHING when we are concerned about one of our community members. When you click on one of the areas below you will find a form or additional contact information where you can share your concern.

  1. A student who may be using dangerous drugs (heroin, prescription drugs)
  2. A student representing a threat to themselves or others
  3. A student’s emotional state and well-being
  4. Disruptive or aggressive behaviors in a classroom or on campus

Additional Information

Why share a concern?

Rutgers is a community that cares. We DO SOMETHING when we are concerned about one of our community members. We understand that there are times when a student’s journey of learning and growth may have some rough points along the way. These rough points may be personal, emotional, psychological, academic, substance use or other challenges that may interfere with the ability to succeed and thrive at the university. There are times when people may observe a behavior and feel concerned. These concerns may be part of a larger story for a student facing challenges. Thus, it is important to Do Something and share your concerns so that the student can get assistance as soon as possible before the issues grow too large.

How to share a concern

For emergencies or crimes in progress, call 9-1-1

Concerns can be shared online, in person, or by phone.


  • Click on our “Concerned? Do Something!” button, found at the bottom on various websites
  • Go to the Bias Prevention website

By phone or in person

  • Dean of Students Office: 848-932-2300
  • Residence Life Staff: 848-932-4371
  • Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance: 848-932-1181 (to speak with someone immediately and confidentially about sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking)
  • Title IX Compliance Officer: 848-932-8576 (to report a sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking for investigative purposes)
  • Rutgers University Police Department: 732-932-7211 (non-emergencies)
  • The Office of Student Conduct: 848-932-9414 (for concerns regarding academic integrity or the Code of Student Conduct)
Who can help and share a concern?

Who can help and share a concern?

  • Any member of the Rutgers community, including students, faculty, staff, and parents
  • Anonymous concerns will be accepted
What happens after a concern is shared?

Within one working day of receipt, online concerns are reviewed by the designated staff within the Dean of Students Office. Rutgers staff members will then reach out to students to investigate and offer assistance in a supportive manner. The goal is to help the students overcome the issues at hand while maintaining a healthy and safe environment on campus. Immediate measures may be taken when a student is found to be making a threat of harm to himself/herself or others.

Remember, if you encounter a student or situation with immediate danger (i.e. a student threatening to harm himself/herself or others) DO NOT use the online form. CALL 9-1-1 immediately.

If you have decided to disclose your name and contact information on the form, you may be contacted for more information or to clarify what you wrote on the form. Because of the sensitive nature of many of these situations, you will often not hear about the outcome of the report you submitted. Information is shared only on a need-to-know basis.

The Threat Assessment Safety Committee, which is within the Division of Students Affairs and coordinated by the Dean of Students Office, is committed to promoting campus safety through a proactive and collaborative approach to assisting students who may be at risk. The team assesses and intervenes in situations that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community. Comprised of professional staff across the University, TASC coordinates information and develops support plans for students of concern. TASC’s objective is to synchronize a network of resources focused on prevention and early intervention involving students experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors.

Click here to learn more about the protocol for when a concern is shared.

Will the person "get in trouble"?

The primary purpose of sharing a concern about someone is to help to prevent personal, emotional, psychological, academic and substance abuse issues from getting worse, especially when someone is perceived to be a danger to themselves or others. Students who reach out for assistance for themselves or others and/or who receive assistance as a result of sharing information will typically not be subject to disciplinary action unless there is behavior that requires disciplinary follow up. Behaviors that would invoke discipline include but are not limited to (a) unlawful distribution of alcohol or drugs; (b) sexual assault; (c) sexual harassment; (d) causing or threatening physical harm; (e) causing damage to property; (f) hazing. Regardless of the situation, when you are concerned about the well-being of someone – ask for help.

Additional Resources

Rutgers Health Services
Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
17 Senior Street, College Avenue Campus
61 Nichol Avenue, Cook/Douglass Campus

Medical Services
Busch-Livingston Health Center, Livingston Campus
Hurtado Health Center, College Avenue Campus
Willets Health Center, Cook/Douglass Campus

Acute Psychiatric Services
24-hour emergency services for local residents, including students

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

NJ Hope Line