Wellness Coaching

Please be advised that wellness coach requests are currently paused. Please contact nikita.cuvilje@rutgers.edu or kw510@rutgers.edu with any questions.

What is a Wellness Coach? 

A wellness coach is someone who helps you focus on your present situation and provides general assistance to come up with strategies that will improve various aspects of your life. The idea is that you are the expert on your own life, and the coach is there to assist you with putting a plan in place to help you reach your goals. Our coaches are not counselors or therapists.

How it works: 

Step 1: Select a goal you would like to achieve, such as: getting better with money, managing your time, improving sleep habits, creating/maintaining boundaries in relationships, smoking cessation*, etc.

Step 2: Complete the form below.

Step 3: Our team will then reach out to set up your first meeting.  In that meeting, you will:

  • Discuss your needs and Big Picture goals
  • Get connected with a coach

Step 4: When you meet your coach, you will work together to put your Big Picture into a plan by discussing and identifying opportunities for change. With regular meetings around your schedule, the two of you will work through possible solutions to reach your goal(s). Your coach will work with you to troubleshoot potential obstacles, and provide the support and motivation you need to get on the path to success. Then the onus is on you to decide what works for you, and to do the work!

*Wellness coaching for smoking cessation is only provided by our professional staff Tobacco Treatment Specialist.

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