




It can be hard opening up about our mental health, especially with those closest to us.

Togetherall offers an anonymous community of like-minded individuals where you can get (or give) support.

Access is quick and easy. You can join the Togtherall community today for FREE at to talk to others who understand.

Togetherall Flyer



Togetherall FAQ and More Information

What is Togetherall?

Togetherall is a peer-to-peer mental health support community which is available online, 24/7, and is completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly. Licensed and registered mental health practitioners, called Wall Guides, monitor the community to ensure the safety and anonymity of all members. 

In addition to Togetherall's online community, you will have access to a wealth of useful resources and can work through tailored self-help courses covering topics such as anxiety, sleep, depression and many more.

What can people do in Togetherall?

Togetherall offers a range of activities that allow you to work through what's troubling you. Access an anonymous community of support available from members 24/7. Share your thoughts and join a Talkabout alongside fellow members to share and discuss what's on your mind, gain support and advice. 

You can post a Talkabout to the whole community or form your own groups or one-to-one chats. If you prefer to express yourself and your feelings creatively, you can post a Brick by drawing or uploading your own images. 

You can also find more information in Resources to help you understand more about how you are feeling, set goals, and track your progress. Take self-assessments to help you understand more about yourself or join our Courses with others to learn how to manage everything from depression and anxiety to improving your problem solving and avoiding procrastination.

Who is it for?

Anyone who is aged 16 and over.

Is it free?

Yes, Togetherall is available free of charge.

What are the common issues that bring people to Togetherall?

Anything that is causing people emotional distress. This can include anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, feeling low, or feeling out of control, to name a few. All of these may be triggered by life events such as the loss of a loved one, relationship breakdowns, employment related issues, financial crisis, sexuality, isolation, alcohol or drug-related problems.

How safe is Togetherall?

Togetherall has strict rules to ensure your safety. We have House Rules and the Privacy Policy that guide you on how to keep safe on the site. We advocate a policy of non-exchange of personal information or private contacts.

All new content generated by our members on the site, including Talkabouts and Bricks, are monitored 24/7 by registered mental health professionals, called Wall Guides. Any inappropriate behavior or language is immediately flagged to Wall Guides for moderation and response. 

Specific behavior on the website will trigger a response by Wall Guides and an escalation process will be implemented. There is also a process where a member can click ‘Report’ in the platform to inform Togetherall of any inappropriate or concerning behavior.

Why is Togetherall anonymous?

Research has demonstrated that people tend to avoid sharing their troubles with friends, family, or healthcare professionals. For example, 50% never go to a doctor for fear of stigma. Men, in particular, are more hesitant to reveal how they feel or what's troubling them.

Togetherall provides an environment in which members feel safe and supported while remaining anonymous. Through our anonymity feature, you are free to talk about the things that matter to you without the fear of being judged or someone you know finding out.

How do I search the site?

To begin a search on Togetherall you can select the magnifying glass icon which will bring up a general search of Togetherall. If you type one or more keywords in the search box, a list of related bricks, Talkabouts, and 'Resources' articles will appear. 

You can narrow your search further by selecting on one of the three types of content underneath the search bar, depending on whether you are interested in looking at only Resources, Courses, Bricks or Talkabouts. Simply toggle the filters to change the search results.

Who are the Wall Guides and what do they do?

The Togetherall peer-to-peer community is the main hub of support where individuals share their stories and experiences, engaging in conversations with other members of the community. Our Wall Guides are registered mental health professionals who keep our members safe and help them feel they are not alone. They proactively respond to Togetherall members who are in crisis and provide them with support, which may involve helping them to seek local assistance from their doctor or therapist. 

Wall Guides work to ensure that the anonymity of members is maintained and that any incidences of posts that seem to reveal the real identity of a member are reported. This requires that all comments and images are monitored to ensure that they conform to Togetherall’s House Rules.

How do I ask a Wall Guide?

You can talk to a Wall Guide at any time by selecting 'Ask a Wall Guide'. This will open a message between you and the Wall Guide. This message will not be public and only you and the Wall Guide will be able to view it.

What are Groups?

Groups are shared spaces in the Togetherall community for members to easily identify, connect with, and support other members who share common interests or have similar occupations. They are found at the top of the ‘Community’ Page (available from the menu option on the mobile version of the Togetherall site), on a tab between ‘My posts’ and ‘Starred’. On requesting to join a Group, you must agree to the Group’s principles. 

Togetherall is launching Groups as a trial period to verify if our members are truly interested in joining smaller, shared spaces and to see how they impact member engagement in the Togetherall community. The trial period will allow Togetherall to understand what our members need from Groups before we add (or remove) specific Groups.

If I am having an emergency, what should I do?

If you are having a mental health crisis, you should call 911 or visit your local emergency room. Other emergency resources: 

• National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 

• Crisis Text Line: Text "Home" TO 741-741

Who do I reach out to for technical assistance?

If you have a problem with your account that isn't addressed in our FAQs, please contact our support team - Each member is allowed only one identity or account. Please do not attempt to setup more than one account. If you are found to have more than one account, it will be shut down and you risk suspension on the Wall without warning.