Men's Health

Men’s Health Services provided:

  • Acute care needs
  • Routine genital health including testicular and urinary examinations
  • Sexual health, including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
  • Recommended monthly and annual exams and screenings

Being your own advocate and monitoring your health is an important part of becoming a responsible adult. It’s important to know your own body and what’s normal for you. What’s normal for you may differ from what’s normal for someone else.

General recommendations for men ages 18 – 39 include:

  • An annual wellness visit, which includes blood pressure, body mass index, preventive screening, addressing any acute issues. Based on your doctor’s recommendations, it may also include screening for STIs, diabetes, skin cancer, cholesterol, or heart disease.
  • Monthly testicular self-exams to screen for testicular cancer
  • Dental checkup once or twice a year
  • Eye exam every 1-2 years