Home Exercises

Below you will find links to videos (created by our sports medicine staff) to assist you in your home rehabilitation program.


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Proper Posture and Body Alignment

Proper Reading Posture

Proper Computer Station Posture

Proper Lifting Technique

Proper Backpack Usage

Hand, Wrist, and Elbow

Finger Range of Motion

Hand Range of Motion

Wrist Extension Strech

Wrist Streches

Finger Tendon Strengthening

Tricep Strengthening

Wrist Extension – Alternate

Wrist Warm-Up

Ankle and Foot

Ankle ABC

Ankle Rotation

Ankle Stretch – Hand Resistance

Balance and Calf

Proper Footwear

Internal/External Ankle Rotation

Lateral Slide

Ankle Dosiflexion

Theraband Plantar Flexion

Ankle Stretches

Carioca Maneuver

Heel Raises

Lateral Hop

Hip and Knee

Compression Roll I.T. Band

Hamstring Foam Roller

Lateral Thigh Foam Roller

Iliotibial Stretch

Quadricep Stretch

Hamstring Stretch – Standing

Quadricep Stretch – Standing

Hamstring Stretch – Supine

Gluteal Foam Roller

Hip Flexor Foam Roller

Hip Flexor Stretch

Patella Self mobilization

Knee Isometric Strengthening

I.T. Band Stretch Standing

Straight Leg Raise

Terminal Knee Extension


Shoulder Range of Motion

Assisted Internal Rotation

Shoulder Extensions

External Rotation

Shoulder Rotations

Lifting Bar

Modified Press Up

Shoulder Rotation – Theramin

Wall Crawl

Scapular Protraction

Empty Can Stretch

Internal Rotation – Sideways

High Row

Lift Off

Lower Shoulder Pull

Pendulum Exercises

Wall Ball


Neck Range of Motion

Neck Range of Motion – Resistance

Back and Core

Abdominal Draw In

Abdominus Contraction

Lumbar Rotation

Prone Partial Extension

Transversus Abdominus Draw In

General Core Stretches

Knee to Chest Maneuver

Partial Crunch – With Ball

Prone Press Up