General Medicine

Being your own advocate and monitoring your health is an important part of maintaining your own individual health and wellness. It’s important to know your own body and what’s normal for you which might be different from what’s normal for someone else.

We can meet the majority of your healthcare needs including:

  • Physicals/Wellness Visits including Pap Smears
  • Management of Chronic Illnesses and Concerns Such as Asthma or Arthritis
  • Travel and Sports Medicine
  • Gender-Specific Care
  • Sexual & Reproductive Health
  • Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV
  • Immunizations and Allergy Injections

Wellness visits generally include measuring your blood pressure and body mass index, providing preventive screening, and addressing any acute issues. Based on your healthcare provider’s recommendations, you may also receive screening for STIs, diabetes, skin cancer, cholesterol, or heart disease.

Travel Medicine

Rutgers Student Health provides travel medicine services at the Hurtado Health Center on the College Avenue Campus.

We provide comprehensive pre-travel consultation services. Your healthcare provider will give you country-specific information tailored to your itinerary and medical history.  Any necessary vaccines (including those for hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and yellow fever) may be ordered and administered.  Pills to help protect you against malaria and traveler’s diarrhea may also be prescribed.

Please plan ahead and try to schedule your appointment 4–6 weeks prior to your departure date, as some immunizations take time to become effective.

Injury, Sprains, and Strains

Our healthcare providers work closely with trainers, physical therapists, orthopedic and podiatric surgeons, nutritionists, and other medical specialists to help you reach and maintain you activity goals.

  • Evaluation: We offer evaluations for injuries including sprains and strains, injury care including simple laceration repair, as well as consulatation/evaluation for safely returning to activity following an injury or illness.
  • Diagnosis: In the event of an acute injury (a sprained ankle, for example), a student may be given an appointment with a primary care provider. Any of our healthcare providers can make an initial evaluation and order diagnostic testing if indicated.