CAPS Wellness Workshops

CAPS Wellness Workshops

Please check the CAPS GetInvolved page for details about dates, times and locations for these offerings. If you are part of a student community or organization and would like to schedule a presentation for your group, please contact with at least 2 weeks advance notice. Workshops are typically one hour but can be adjusted to meet the needs of your group. Thank you!

Workshops—Spring 2025

Whole Person Health, Wellness and Self-Care

This workshop shares information about the Domains of Wellness, wellness planning, self-care and resources on campus to promote student well-being.

Understanding and Addressing your Mental Health

This workshop shares information about how students can increase their awareness and understanding of their own mental health and resources for improving mental health and promoting wellbeing and success.

Socializing at College 101 – Fostering Healthy Relationships and Communication

This workshop discusses what a healthy relationship is, and over topics about setting boundaries, resolving conflicts, and having difficult conversations.


This workshop discusses harm prevention and reduction, knowing your limits, safety, substance use disorders, and supporting friends who may be having difficulties related to their substance use.

Perfectly Imperfect: Perfectionism vs. Healthy Striving and Self-Compassion

This workshop addresses challenges related to perfectionism, and how to cultivate healthy striving and self-compassion.


This workshop promotes healthy coping through the use of creativity, art, music, storytelling, sound healing, drumming and dance. The intention is to reduce anxiety and stress, increase joy and provide an opportunity to connect with others through creativity and self-expression. No prior experience needed.

Nurturing Inclusive Communities

This workshop addresses ways to create, foster and contribute to an inclusive campus community

Understanding and Managing Anxiety, Stress and Emotional Regulation

This workshop gives an overview of emotional and biological mechanisms of anxiety and share skills for managing stress and regulating emotions.

Who Am I? Identity, Self-Discovery, and Imposter Syndrome

This workshop discusses facets of identity, the journey to finding yourself in college, imposter syndrome.

Emotion Regulation, Stress Management and Cultivating Resilience

This workshop addresses skills for recognizing, understanding and managing stress and emotions, and increasing resilience.

Tools for Coping With Stress: Mindfulness and Guided Meditation

This workshop focuses the benefits of mindfulness and provides opportunities to learn to incorporate the practice into every day life to improve stress management, focus and increase inner peace.

Managing Imposter Syndrome and Cultivating Self-Compassion

Monday, Sept. 16th, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Counselor: Dana Simons, LPC 

In this workshop, we discuss the impact of imposter syndrome, self-image, and ways to practice self-compassion. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 957 4986 8509/Password: 153893

Emotion Regulation, Stress Management, and Cultivating Resilience

Wednesday, October 9th, 1:00pm-2:00pm 

Counselor: Dana Simons, LPC 

This workshop focuses on addressing skills for recognizing and managing stress and emotions, and increasing resilience. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 939 3029 7583/Password: 773816

Time Management and Life Balance Workshop

Tuesday, November 5th, 12:30pm-1:30pm 

Counselor: Dana Simons, LPC 

Let’s share what it is like to manage a busy schedule. How do we juggle academic assignments, lab and coursework, maintaining a social life, trying to get enough sleep, eating well and exercising, etc. How do we balance taking out time for ourselves and being a supportive friend or family member? Let’s talk about strategies for managing and prioritizing our busy schedules. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 950 9721 3784/Password: 352236

Working through Anger, Resentment, and Conflict

Wednesday, November 20th, 12:30pm-1:30pm 

Counselor: Dana Simons, LPC 

This workshop discusses techniques and strategies to address conflict and let go of resentment. We will talk about anger as a healthy emotion and discuss various ways we can express and discharge angry feelings in a productive way. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 934 7529 3468/Password: 512761

Mindfulness Meditation Workshop

Monday,  December 9th,  4:00pm-5:00pm 

Counselor: Dana Simons, LPC 

This workshops provides an opportunity to focus on the here and now, without judgment, and practice several examples of mindfulness meditation exercises. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 918 9040 2990/Password: 268054

Sense of Self

Thursday, January 25th, 11 am – 12 pm 

Counselor: Shan Reeves, LCSW 

This workshop explores the five senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell) to assist in mindfulness and relaxation. There are five different breathing exercises that will us each of your senses to meditate. This workshop does require that you have access to a flavored beverage or snack, a fragrance of your liking, a tactile object that you like to touch, and pencil and paper.

Location: Graduate Student Lounge, Rm 208, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Too Stressed To Test: Managing Anxiety

Thursday, February 15th, 11 am – 12 pm 

Counselor: Shan Reeves, LCSW 

This is a space for students to discuss topics that cause anxiety and its impact on their life. Student’s will receive support with coping skills to better manage their anxiety. 

Location: Graduate Student Lounge, Rm 208, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Who am I? Knowing Why You Belong

Thursday, March 14th, 11 am – 12 pm 

Counselor: Shan Reeves, LCSW 

Learn to acknowledge yourself and tear down the walls of imposter syndrome. Understand that you are enough, while exploring how you show up for yourself and release your need to compete with others. 

Location: Graduate Student Lounge, Rm 208, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Don’t Tip the Scale: Work Life Balance

Thursday, April 11th, 11 am – 12 pm 

Counselor: Shan Reeves, LCSW

Students will be introduced to the Dimensions of Wellness and the benefits of having a balanced life. This workshop will support students in using the dimensions of wellness to recognize where they have strengths and will offer ways to create life balance amid academic responsibility. 

Location: Graduate Student Lounge, Rm 208, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

CAPS, in collaboration with Rutgers Global – International Student Support Services (ISSS), is offering interactive workshops to support you by providing a safe space to discuss various concerns and to help you connect with others.

Register here

Adapting and Thriving at Rutgers

Thursday, September 26th, 5-6:30 pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC and Sunhee Eissenstat, PhD, Intern 

Adjusting to a new lifestyl ecouple be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Join us to share similarities, discuss culture differences, and strategies to make yourself feel more comfortable in your new surroundings. 

Location: Rutgers Global—ISSS, 180 College Ave, New Brunswick

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) Is Real!

Thursday, October 24th, 5-6:30 pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC and Sunhee Eissenstat, PhD, Intern 

Are you having difficulty building a community here at RUtgers and/or struggling to fit in?We are here to support you by providing a safe space to improve your social connections!

Location: Rutgers Global—ISSS, 180 College Ave, New Brunswick

Navigating Homesickness: Strategies to Cope & Thrive

Thursday, December 05th, 5-6:30pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC and Sunhee Eissenstat, PhD, Intern 

Feeling homesick? You are not alone! Come join us for "hot cocoa N snack" conversation and social, share what you miss the most, and how you cope and thrive.

Location: Rutgers Global—ISSS, 180 College Ave, New Brunswick

Artists of Color Listening Session at Mason Gross

The second Tuesday of the month starting February 13th, 12-1 pm 

Counselor: Kia Alexander 

The purpose of this workshop is to provide support and an opportunity for artists of color to discuss and share their experiences at Mason Gross. 

Join Zoom Meeting (Registration Required) 

Microaggressions Workshop, for AACC Senior Interns ONLY

Friday, January 26, 1pm-2pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC 

Learn to recognize how microaggressions can impact senior interns’ work on campus. Develop skills to minimize the occurrence of and to respond to microaggressions. 

Location: Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), 49 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, NJ in the Multipurpose Room

Microaggressions Workshop for AACC Junior Interns ONLY

Friday, February 2, 1:30pm-3pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC 

Learn to recognize how microaggressions can impact junior interns’ work on campus. Develop skills to minimize the occurrence of and to respond to microaggressions. 

Location: Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), 49 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, NJ in the Multipurpose Room

Chai and Chat about APIDA Wellness, Asian Heritage Month Event

Wednesday, April 17, 6m-8pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC 

Location: Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), 49 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, NJ in the Multipurpose Room

Destress and Decompress For APIDA Business Majors ONLY

Thursday, April 25, 2pm -3:30pm 

Counselor: Mei-ling Cheng, LPC and Jessica Trusiani, LCSW 

Location: Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), 49 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, NJ in the Multipurpose Room

Additional Resources
Emotional Wellness Resources on Campus
Social Wellness Resources on Campus
Physical Wellness Resources on Campus
Environmental Wellness Resources on Campus
Spiritual Wellness Resources on Campus

The Multifaith Council – For information about Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Rooms on Campus, Chaplaincy and Affiliated Congregations, Religious Cultural Organizations on campus

Financial Wellness Resources on Campus
Academic/Intellectual Wellness Resources on Campus

If you have any questions about these workshops, resources or have other feedback to share, please email Manda Gatto, LCSW, Assistant Director of Community Based Services at Rutgers Student Health - Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drug Program and Psychiatric Services (CAPS):


Thank you!