Spring 2025 Group Offerings
The first step in joining a group is to schedule a phone screening at 848-932-7884 to discuss what group may be right for you.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Tuesday: 5:30-6:30p, starting Feb. 4, 2025
Tuesday: 6:30-7:30p, starting April 1, 2025 & April 29, 2025
Wednesday: 6:30-7:30p, starting Jan. 29, Feb 5 and Feb. 12, 2025
Purpose of this Workshop
- An outlet for stress and turbulent times
- A way to visualize and express thoughts, feelings, & behaviors
- A springboard for insight, mindfulness, acceptance, & self-compassion
- No art-skills needed
- To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Monday: 2:00-3:25p, starting Feb. 3, 2025
Tuesday: 6:30-7:55p, starting Feb. 11, 2025
Wednesday: 5:30-6:55p, starting March 26, 2025
Wednesday: 6:30-7:55p, starting Feb. 19, 2025
Social anxiety is very common – probably more than you think. The good news is that you can overcome it! In this 6-session group you’ll learn what causes social anxiety and develop proven skills to change it. Students learn from and support each other in a non-judgmental and positive environment. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Tuesday: 5:30-6:30p, starting March 4, 2025 & April 8, 2025
Wednesday: 5:30-6:30p, starting Jan. 29, 2025
Wednesday: 6:30-7:30p, starting April 9, 2025
Cultivating Calm Workshop is a 4-session workshop, which provides psychoeducation about anxiety and reviews a variety of evidence-based interventions to help students manage anxiety (e.g., relaxation, cognitive, behavioral, mindfulness based, and acceptance-based techniques, among others). Each workshop session lasts approximately 60-75 minutes. Workshops run on a rolling basis throughout the semester. It is recommended that students begin attending at session 1 and continue through the 4 sessions, although students may also benefit from entering at session 2 and continuing through the 4 sessions. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Tuesday & Friday: 1:30-3:00p
Next Step, 185 Bevier Rd., Busch Campus
Tuesday: 11:00-12:25p
Wednesday: 2:00-3:25p
Friday: 11:00-12:25p (virtual)
A skills-based group that equips students with tools needed in everyday life. The four main modules are taught: Core Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Wednesday 1:15-2:45p
Psycho-education and support group generally, but not exclusively, targeted for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Group will provide instruction, guidance and practice in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships: friendships, roommates, romantic/dating, academic and work. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Tuesday: 5:30-6:30p
Tuesday: 6:30-7:30p
Wednesday: 5:30-6:30p
Wednesday: 6:30-7:30p
Getting Unstuck focuses on helping you understand depressive symptoms and build skills to manage these symptoms. The sessions include modules dedicated to, 1) understanding depression, 2) exploring how thoughts and behaviors impacts depression, and 3) addressing how you can begin to make changes to thoughts and behaviors in order to better manage depression. *Used with permission from Cal Poly Counseling services. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Time & Date TBD
The workshop will begin with a brief mindfulness exercise. You will be taught brief ways to self-assess emotions, thoughts, behaviors and urges. You will also learn one DBT worksheet filled with skills from the DBT distress tolerance module.
This is not DBT group therapy but a nice opportunity to learn about DBT and learn skills.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Time & Date TBD
This Group is aimed at supporting students who are struggling to finish the semester due to difficulty with organizing themselves for a variety of reasons. You may have other emotional or personal distractions that interfere with your focus on academic tasks. Finish Line is structured as a positive and supportive group experience. Students are encouraged to get the most they can out of the semester, even when there could be other areas of distress that could also deserve attention. Focus is placed on time management, prioritization, and distress/stress management skills.To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Time & Date TBD
The Black Affinity Group will allow Black Students with a safe and authentic space to express themselves, and to be in community with other Black Students on the Rutgers Campus. It is designed to be a space of encouragement, building positive self-esteem and seeing the strengths in our struggles on campus and beyond.To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Friday, 2:30-4:00p
Family LBGTQ+ is a group for students who identify within the LBGTQ+ community and would like support navigating family concerns of acceptance and rejection in relation to sexuality and/or gender identity. The group will provide a safe place to discuss these concerns, brainstorm ways to manage family difficulties, and tools to cope if it is not safe to come out to family at this time. To get connected, please call 848-932-7884.
Time & Date TBD
This group is a supportive space for students who are Latine or Afro-Latine identified. The group provides individual members the opportunity to move forward towards self-healing through collective sharing while providing a safe atmosphere in which members can engage in authentic conversations around their experiences as Latine and Afro Latine students on campus.
COMMON THEMES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: Intersecting identities, academic stressors, imposter syndrome, family conflict, intergenerational conflicts, relationship concerns, cultural factors, any other concerns that impact our well-being. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Wednesday 3:30-4:45p
The Gender Identity Support Group is specifically for students who identify as trans or questioning and includes being transgender, genderqueer, gender expansive, gender fluid, nonbinary, agender, etc. Our goal is to provide a safer space to discuss various challenges related to coming out as trans, how relationships with friends, family and others may be affected, managing emotional and physical changes related to transitioning, dealing with bias and discrimination, navigating name and gender pronoun changes, sexuality concerns, and anything else that may be impacting the wellbeing and functioning of our trans students. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Tuesday, 2:00-3:30p
Are you an international student? Many international students face unique challenges due to cross cultural adjustment. Some experience homesickness, loneliness, language barriers, discrimination, and different levels of acculturative stress socially and academically. CAPS’ International Student Wellness Group is here to support you by providing a safe and confidential space to discuss various concerns and to help you connect with each other.To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Tuesday 1:00-2:25p
This group will support students living with a wide variety of chronic medical (physical) conditions. Each week, the group will include education, practical tools for coping and managing life with an illness, opportunities for open discussion, sharing and processing experiences, and offering and receiving support. Participants will help and learn from each other on their journey toward a meaningful and connected life, with or without symptoms of chronic conditions. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Room 5050, West Academic Building, 5 Seminary Place
Friday 1:00-2:30p
We find many times graduate students have issues related to making friends, sustaining relationships, self-esteem, and anxiety and the like, but do not have the proper forum of people their age or at their level to give them support. The graduate group aims to provide a safe space and supportive setting for members. Students will have the opportunity to explore and share issues, concerns, and feelings they may have, Topics may include among others: social adjustment and loneliness, romantic relationships, navigating conflicts/challenges with peers and professors (Advisors/PI/ Depts. etc.) feelings of inadequacy, assertiveness, stress management and balancing family life and academics.To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Friday: 11:30a-1:00p
This is a support group for students who are struggling with grief and bereavement related to the loss of a loved one. Regardless of where students are at in the grieving process, the group can help with increasing awareness of how grief impacts functioning in all areas of life. The goal of the group is to help the students reflect on how grieving is an individual process and a natural part of life through radical acceptance, group support, and adaptive coping mechanisms. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Hurtado, CAC
Friday: 2:00-3:30p
Do you often worry that you might have a serious health condition or find it impossible to ignore minor symptoms for fear that they might represent something serious? Do you continue to worry and do extensive research even when medical professionals assure you that you’re probably fine? We all need to take our health and healthcare seriously, but sometimes over-the-top concern becomes a problem in itself. Through a combination of education and action participants will learn and experience research-supported methods for managing this type of worry. Participants are asked to attend all sessions (occasional absences are probably inevitable but consistent attendance is important).To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Tuesday: 2:00-3:00p
Friday: 3:00-4:30p
Interpersonal process groups aim to support students with any social or interpersonal concern (e.g., challenges making or keeping friends, difficulty trusting others and being vulnerable, family conflict). These groups involve reflecting on communication and relationship patterns, providing and receiving feedback, and practicing different ways of relating in the group space. These groups require a group screening and consistent attendance is encouraged. Do you have a hard time connecting with others? Social anxiety, insecurity, depression, and other mental health concerns can hold many people back from building and maintaining close relationships. This group can help you learn more about yourself and how to build better relationships with others. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior St.
Time & Date TBD
The Early Recovery Group is designed to support students who are considering life beyond substance-use or have embraced abstinence-based recovery. Members of the Early Recovery Group learn to identify then replace ineffective coping methods and negative thought patterns with healthier alternatives that support recovery on a college campus. Students will have an opportunity to receive feedback from their peers about academics, social life, family issues and other subjects with the ultimate goal of enhancing their lives and recovery in a supportive therapeutic environment. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Wednesday: Feb. 25th, March 4 & March 11 - 2:00-3:00p
Are you affected by someone else’s substance use? Is it a parent, a sibling, a partner, a friend or a roommate? Caring for someone with an alcohol or drug problem can create serious challenges in our lives. This three session workshop will offer insight, guidance, and support in addressing these challenges in a safe place. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Date & Time TBD
One Positive Change is a group designed to help students reduce and minimize the risk associated with their substance use. We at ADAP recognize that making positive change with respect to one’s substance use is rarely a straightforward process; change often happens in starts and stops. So in the One Positive Change group we would like to honor students’ work and commitment to change and provide a space where students can process and practice new approaches to regaining or possibly forming a healthy relationship with substances. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Thursday: April 3, 10 & 17 - 11:00a - 12:00p
Here in this safe, confidential, non-judgmental environment, we will explore, process and identify alternatives to your relationship with drugs and alcohol. You can speak freely and honestly about your questions, concerns and observations, and benefit from the support and input of others struggling with similar issues. We will address how your use impacts all areas of your life as a student; physical, emotional, academic, spiritual, sexual and social aspects will be explored. We will offer resources and skills to help you cope with the life stressors you are experiencing. To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Next Step, 185 Bevier Rd, Busch Campus
Tuesday: 1:00-2:25p
This group will utilize the vehicle of art directives to facilitate the students’ ability to express and label their emotions, encourage self-reflection and awareness, and increase alternative coping skills and behaviors. Group members will share their work within the brave space of the group to explore and uncover issues, concerns, and challenges within their lives while building supportive relationships and self-awareness. (Next Step students only). To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Next Step, 185 Bevier Rd, Busch Campus
Wednesday 1:30-2:25p
Combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to meet difficult internal and external experiences with less resistance. During the group, participants will learn about and practice mindful self-compassion skills (Open to all CAPS). To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
Thursday 4:00-5:25p
Weekly supportive study space open to all. Come to learn a brief skill around executive functioning. Students spend the remainder of the group working independently on school assignments, applying to internships/jobs, etc. Group begins with a review of goals for each student to work on. The remainder of the group is spent in quiet study. (OPEN TO ALL CAPS). To get connected please call 848-932-7884.
CAPS, 17 Senior Street
Monday 11:30a-12:25p
In person group will support students in understanding how mental and physical health are connected and interrelated. The neurobiology of mental wellbeing will be explored. Students will learn and practice techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, laughter, EFT tapping, and movement (dance & stomp). Students will build an awareness of where emotions are stored in the body and learn skills to relate/discharge them. (OPEN TO ALL CAPS).To get connected please call 848-932-7884.