Students with concerns about alcohol or drug use, either their own or that of someone they are close to, are encouraged to call 848-932-7884 and talk with an Alcohol/Drug Counselor. ADAP provides confidential consultation services to faculty and staff to assist them in referring students.
The primary goal of our program is early identification of alcohol and other drug problems and substance use disorder. There is a much greater chance of recovery when a substance use problem is detected early and addressed with appropriate interventions.
If you are uncertain about whether counseling is the right step, we encourage you to make an appointment to speak to a counselor to discuss concerns you might have about your own substance use or about the substance use of someone you know and how best to refer them for counseling.
All counseling is confidential.
Alcohol Assessment
Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO helps you understand your drinking patterns and how they may be affecting you. After you complete the anonymous survey, you will receive personalized feedback that summarizes your behavior and how it compares to other students’ drinking patterns. You will also receive information about helpful resources available on campus and online. The survey takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Go to Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO.
Marijuana e-Toke
The Marijuana e-Toke is a brief assessment and feedback tool designed to help you assess your marijuana use and enable you to decide what you want to do. The assessment takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. When you take the anonymous Marijuana e-Toke survey you will find out how your use of marijuana compares to that of your peers on a national and local college level.
For those Rutgers–New Brunswick students who wish to have a more in-depth understanding of their marijuana use and discuss their options we recommend that you make a confidential appointment at the Counseling Center (732-932-7884) and either take the survey at the Center or bring in the printout of your feedback from the Marijuana e-Toke to your appointment. Go to e-Toke.
Local Meetings
To find local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, visit Northern New Jersey’s Alcoholics Anonymous.
To find local Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, visit NA in New Jersey.
To find local Marijuana Anonymous (MA) meetings, visit the New Jersey section of Marijuana Anonymous.